Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What is the Ames Test?

Lindsay Pasquale

What is the Ames Test?

We use chemicals every day in our lives, whether its food, cosmetics, household products or medicine, or the air we breathe, and it’s important to know if they are harming us, that’s what the Ames test is for. The Ames test uses Salmonella bacteria to test whether a chemical is a mutagen. Even though the salmonella bacteria are already mutated, the test determines if the chemical can mutate the mutation back to normal.

The Ames test is widely used by the pharmaceutical industry to test drugs before using them in clinical trials. If the Ames test shows that a drug is mutagenic, then it is usually rejected for further development such as testing on animals or used therapeutically in humans. The Food and Drug Administration requires companies to complete the Ames test before marketing their item, usually most drugs or cosmetics.

A few common materials needed to complete this test include; sterile filter paper disks, agar plate, tubes to hold the substance in, and a flame for sterilization. It’s important to follow directions carefully and have temperature set at what they are supposed to be.

The Ames test can also determine if the substance tested is a carcinogen, which is to cause cancer. In the process of this test the bacteria forms colonies which are spread throughout the disk. The scattered colonies close to the margin of the disk represent spontaneous revertants. A revertant is a mutant that has reverted to its previous genotype or the original phenotype by means of a suppressor mutation. Many chemicals are not mutagenic or carcinogenic in themselves, but they form into mutagens or carcinogens as they are metabolized by the body. Anything that survives is a mutation, and the more of those that you get, the worse your test substance was. The result of that is because the mutation occurs while the DNA was being repaired, the test compound either caused damage or caused it to ruin the replication process.

The Ames test is traditionally used for as a proxy for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential. Its not a good resource for general toxicity, because there is a good amount of toxic compounds that don’t work by damaging DNA.

In Japan, Safrole, a colorless or slightly yellow liquid typically extracted from a fruit in a form of oil, was being used as a flavoring agent added to root beer but now banned. Through the years a lot of everyday food items or products with certain chemicals have now been banned, once research has grown and regulations have changed.

Humans and animals are surrounded by all different types of chemical substances, occurring both naturally and as well as synthetic. In my opinion I think the Ames test is a better way of testing rather than on animals. I think animal testing is extremely cruel and heartbreaking, especially after seeing how it is done and the effects it has on the animals after. If a substance or chemical is being tested by the Ames test, then I don’t see a need for other people to test the same substance on an animal to receive the same results. 

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