Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Environmental Pollutants

Lindsay Pasquale

Environmental Pollutants

Pollution is the contamination to the natural environment that can have harmful effects. Environmental pollutants have become a real problem once the industrial revolution took off. Environmental pollution happens when the environment cannot process or neutralize harmful by products created by humans, poisonous gas emissions for example. This is extremely important because of the negative effects pollutants has on the earth like clean air and clean water.

Technology facilitated by businesses has become one of the main causes of deterioration of natural resources. Think of when you are driving, the semi-truck in front of you has black smoke pouring out of it pipes. You look to your right and see smoke stacks with huge smoke clouds above them, and a chemical plant is right next to the river. Does that worry anyone these days? We see environmental pollutants in front of our eyes every day. Business take a part in this by division of labor, cheaper production cost, overproduction, overconsumption, over pollution.

Pollution is increasing every year at a high rate, the five basic types of pollution is air, water, soil, noise, and light. Air is said to be the most harmful type of pollution in our environment. China is suffering bad from bad air quality due to coal combustion and other factors. They are hardly able to see in front of them, it looks like a constant area of smoke or fog. Air pollution can be caused by multiple sources; trucks, buses, cars, trains, Sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, or nitrogen oxides. It can be a leading factor in lung cancer, asthma, allergies, or any other breathing complications. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), is released from common house hold items like refrigerators, air conditioners, deodorants, and insect repellant which is slowly damaging the atmosphere and depleting the ozone layer leading to global warming.

Waste products released into bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, or oceans has deeply affected the marine life. Industries are not the only source of polluting these areas, humans are a huge participator as well. Humans pollute water by garbage, ashes, or any household items. You will find that in some rural areas people will bathe, cook and clean in the same water, making the quality even worse. Water pollution can indirectly pollute soil by runoff and leaching ground water.

Noise pollution includes the noise of aircrafts, cars, buses, trucks, loud speakers, industry noise, and are all extremely harmful to the environment. Motor vehicles are responsible for almost all of the unwanted noise worldwide.

Soil pollution leads to damaging farms and the crops grown on them. Acid rain, polluted water, fertilizers and many more are the cause of this. Chemical are released by spill or underground storage take leakage which release heavy contaminants.

I feel that environmental pollution is escalating very quickly and changes aren’t being made to help. Everyone is used to their everyday lifestyle and people aren’t realizing the harm they are actually doing. Businesses only care about money and not many seem to care about how badly they are polluting the air. I can only see it getting worse in the future and eventually it will catch up to us.

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